Approval for free access to the labour market in the Republic of Serbia

Questions and answers

    • You can apply for Approval for Free access to the labour market if you are in the territory of the Republic of Serbia or in the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia or the Republic of Albania.

      If your request for Free access to the labour market is approved and you Approval for Free Access to the Labour Market is delivered by email while you are still in your home country, you need to register your residence address in the Republic of Serbia upon entering the Republic of Serbia.

      Upon entering the Republic of Serbia, you are required to report a foreign citizen’s residence within 24 hours, in accordance with the national legislation. The registration of a foreign citizen’s residence is regulated by your landlord, accommodation facility or you personally if you own real estate in the Republic of Serbia.

    • Since you can also apply for free access to the labour market from the country of which you are a citizen, or from abroad, you are not obliged to enter the address where you will be staying when applying.

      However, after your request for Free access to the labour market is approved, and after you enter the Republic of Serbia and start activities for which you have been granted Free access to the labour market, you are obliged to make the change within 5 days from the day you register at the address of residence in the Republic of Serbia through this application, referring to your request number entered on your Approval for Free Access to the Labour Market.

      You must register your place of residence within 24 hours of entering the Republic of Serbia, at the competent police station, and the registration is performed by your landlord, accommodation facility or you personally in case you own real estate in the RS where you will be staying. The registration of the foreign citizen’s residence must be done every time the address of residence is changed during the validity period of the Permit for free access to the labour market.

    • Permit for free access to the labour market applies only to the applicant.

      Family members must regulate their stay in a different way according to the Law on Foreign Citizens, and it is important to note that family reunification cannot be the basis of stay.

      In the event that there is no other suitable reason, a person who has been granted a Permit for free access to the labour market should switch to temporary residence in accordance with the Law on Foreign Citizens so that their family members can also regulate their stay in the RS on the basis of family reunification.

    • With the support and assistance of the National Employment Agency, you will be informed about the conditions and opportunities for employment in the Republic of Serbia, and registering on the website of the National Agency will allow you insight into vacancies, with the possibility that the profile you created on the website will be available to employers who can offer you the job you are looking for.